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Sara McDonnell • May 20, 2024

Edenhope’s 91-year-old fitness influencer sparks hydrotherapy program

Kath Atwell, 91, might well be Edenhope’s most successful fitness influencer. It was her pitch to Grampians Health Edenhope that sparked plans to transport a busload of senior citizens to Horsham, for weekly hydrotherapy sessions.

“I’m determined to stay as strong as I can,” Ms Atwell said. “I went backwards during COVID and needed to get back into it, and I knew there would be enough interest from others.

“It’s no good sitting back and waiting for someone else to do these things, so I wrote a letter.”

That letter resulted in ongoing funding for the program, delivered by staff at the Health and Wellbeing Hub. “The reason it happened is because Kath requested it,” Primary Health Coordinator Jo Grant said.

“We always encourage the community to engage with us and tell us what their needs are. If we know, we can try and make it happen.”

The inaugural visit to Horsham Aquatic Centre attracted 10 senior citizens, from Edenhope and Harrow. “We’re going to need a bigger bus,” Ms Grant said.

The weekly program is open to people over the age of 65.

“It’s a series of gentle exercises that covers the entire body, from your toes to the top of your head,” Ms Atwell said. “You just do as much as you can but it’s exercise, we’re not just paddling around.”

Ms Atwell, who was about a decade older than most participants, hopes others will be motivated to join.

“It’s motivating and if you can keep mobile, you’ll still be functional and keep up your social life,” she said.

“One lady hadn’t been in a pool for 40 years, until this week, and she absolutely loved it.

“It’s never too late.”

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